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Liebe, Romantik und Leidenschaft Gedichte über Liebe, Herzschmerz, Sehnsucht und Leidenschaft.

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Alt 07.09.2009, 22:08   #1
Dabei seit: 09/2009
Alter: 33
Beiträge: 16

Standard You´re gone

Sometimes I close my eyes
and then I realize
the gap inside my heart
which no one can fill
only you

And It´s hard to believe
Just a Thought, see your smile
forget the sadness for a while
then the feelings comin´back
an this emptyness instead
so much tears and so much pain
I try to wash it all away

but I can´t ...

I´ll surely love you til spring
and till then i hope and sing
in my dreams i often fall
can´t think of anything else at all

i´m sitting here next to you
I can´t speak and I can´t go
I can´t forget
I can´t follow
Can´t live without you

And It´s hard to believe
Just a Thought, see your smile
forget the sadness for a while
then the feelings comin´back
an this emptyness instead
so much tears and so much pain
I try to wash it all away

but I can´t...
I know theres so much distance
And theres such a long way
I couldn´t eat, can´t sleep no more
But all this is too hard to ignore

I wait from now til forever
see your smile
seems to be never
maybe I have to wait a while

I have go through
with, or without you
but my heart wouldn´t stand

© by Kwasek
Kwasek ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten

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