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Alt 20.01.2008, 19:28   #1
Black Valentine
Dabei seit: 05/2007
Beiträge: 74

Standard Ghost


I never knew I'd cry much more than this
I never knew my heart would ache more than now
I've never thought your eyes on me feel more than bliss
I never knew I'd love you more as much as this

Your head achs from the hole in it
You never knew pain was this sore and clean
A me without your grime could not exist
Hungry eyes, they stare at me,
but they don't mean to be
But they know to be mean

A stubborn stray had gone and now
You're an anemic, fragile, tall grown ghost
The higher you walk the thinner you get
Your a parasite and my soul's your host
You've never hurt me with your pain as hard as this

The black-holed world swallowed your mind
Your dull eyes are vaults as sad, tired, sick
I went over the top to see the world above
I feel your shorn skin is more than rigid

My spiritless ghost, hide and get alive again
But don't fly away from me, my friend
And I'd give my heart to you, it's in my hand
Every beat says you could be alive again

I never ever thought something beat you deaf
Your limbs as numb as your dead breath
I hate your blind eyes to not stare anymore
But your thoughts behind are still looking for

Don't cry, my ghost, I'll be by your side
It's your part to see me through the glass
I could never say I'd help you more than this
But we just don't have a chance to exist

I never knew I'd try more often than this
If you knew I am you and here's the abyss
Why don't you try to not be the remissed
I never knew I'd die as alone as this
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