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Alt 08.01.2023, 01:35   #1
weiblich LittleBlueDagon
Dabei seit: 06/2018
Alter: 23
Beiträge: 82

Standard A night of flames

It’s late at night
We’re both inside
Stuck in this silence
It’s just so cold tonight

Do I share my conviction
Maybe you’ll share yours
A nice campfire conversation
Going strong for hours

Do I hold you so close
Trying to find the words
That I don’t have to force
I am still afraid of getting hurt

Her answer echoing inside
Fire pulsing through my veins
Warming glances in her eyes
Kiss her in a mindless haze

Set ablaze the tinder
No time for holding back
Escaping cinders when I pinned her
Stain the sheets with soot and ash

Start to see my skin burning
Smoke alarms roaring in my head
Singed by what I’ve been avoiding
Almost feel some sort of regret

Witness a change transpire
Bubbling heat blistering flesh
Feeding a raging wildfire
Until it consumes whatever’s left

When it goes a step to far
When the burning starts to hurt
When I remember who you are
I have to run instead of flirt

Rush away to flowing streams
To drown my newly branded skin
Waking me from my dream
Yet I cease to feel anything

What can wash away the char
Won’t extinguish these embers
Glowing underwater like stars
Passion I am forced to remember

Have to confess to save face
Fuel my guilt-ridden shame
But would burn at the stake
For just another night of flames

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