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Internationale Gedichte Sämtliche nicht-deutschsprachige Gedichte.

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Alt 22.11.2010, 19:24   #1
männlich LuxNoctis
Dabei seit: 11/2010
Alter: 30
Beiträge: 4

Standard Giving up

What if there'll always be bills to pay?
What if we don't have a word to say?
What if our lives break like glass falling down
And we see them crack without making a sound?

What if a promise ain't more than a word?
What if one day all we feel is hurt?
What if there's no solid ground for these dreams?
Is there a reason why it's not as it seems?

I think that giving up might be a way out

What if one day I wake up all alone?
What if you think this cannot be your home?
What if things won't work out like they should?
What if we aren't as much as we could?

What if we can't run away from time?
What if the sun doesn't always shine?
What if some time this bed feels all cold?
What if we lose our love when we're old?

I think that giving up might be a way out

What if one day we're the last of our kind?
What if some time we start to not mind?
What if the rain drenches us to the bone?
What if we're too blind to see what is shown?

I think that giving up might be a way out
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