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Alt 12.02.2023, 17:13   #1
weiblich LittleBlueDagon
Dabei seit: 06/2018
Alter: 23
Beiträge: 82

Standard Sometimes

Sometimes I trust
Sometimes I don't
Sometimes it's driven by lust
Sometimes it hits like a stone
Will it hurt for seconds?
Will it hurt for days?
I pray it goes away
To continue where we left of
Where did the time go?
Where did the love go?
Turned to stone
Turned to dust
Like me

- LittleBlueDragon
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Alt 23.02.2023, 18:31   #2
männlich ganter
Benutzerbild von ganter
Dabei seit: 04/2015
Beiträge: 2.497

This poem expresses the complexity and uncertainty of trust and love in relationships. The speaker seems to be grappling with conflicting feelings and experiences, unsure of whether to trust or not. They acknowledge the role of lust in their feelings, but also the suddenness and painful impact of love when it fails.
The questions posed in the second stanza suggest a sense of longing and confusion about the passage of time and the disappearance of love. The final lines of the poem, "Turned to stone/Turned to dust/Like me," convey a sense of loss and resignation, as if the speaker has become hardened and worn down by their experiences.
Overall, the poem suggests that trust and love can be fickle and fleeting, and that the pain of their absence can linger for some time. The use of imagery, such as the stone and dust, effectively conveys the sense of something once solid and real now dissolving or disappearing.


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ganter ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten

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