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Internationale Gedichte Sämtliche nicht-deutschsprachige Gedichte.

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Alt 13.03.2019, 21:39   #1
männlich gelberhund
Benutzerbild von gelberhund
Dabei seit: 02/2015
Ort: erzgebirge
Alter: 46
Beiträge: 1.625

Standard attempt

Dance, monkey chin, I am younger than holiness
pretty is the face, face, face - my only broken mirror, man!
So long said the cowboy, so long was shadow mirror love..

Dance, monkey chin, I am dumb and beautiful
silent is the ring and the church, repentance is a beauty!
So terribly deep, king, so terribly prettier than holiness..

Dance, monkey chin, I am a savior without a book
lonely is my accountant in your soul. Harsh like a Judge!
So is my softness a night you will find calendarically often..

(can you pray for me, tibet or india or peru? Find the temple and pray again..)
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