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Internationale Gedichte Sämtliche nicht-deutschsprachige Gedichte.

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Alt 19.10.2007, 14:54   #1
Dabei seit: 10/2007
Beiträge: 2

Standard Nothing to do with you

Red is sparkling,
seems to be grinning
scornful in your face.
A man is tumbling
through a fog of suffering.
He has lost every grace.

She's running alone,
wants to get home,
but then the shadows catch her.
Smoke and tears,
pain and fear
are used to bring them further.

Fire balls burn.
You can see them for miles
like huge moths in a campfire.
Silvery drops
are swishing around,
susurrate in your ears like a liar.

You nearly can't hear them
through the terrible noise
of criing, baging and shouting.
You switch off the TV
while you are thinking:
What has this to do with me? Nothing!

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