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Forum durchsuchen: Beiträge von: meandyouatnight
Forum: Internationale Gedichte 24.05.2018, 22:22
Antworten: 3
Hits: 1.154
Erstellt von meandyouatnight
Thank you so much

Thank you so much
Forum: Internationale Gedichte 24.05.2018, 09:23
Antworten: 3
Hits: 1.154
Erstellt von meandyouatnight
You and me and Me and you

You and me and Me and you

I searched so desperately for love
At all cost
And the worst
I searched and searched
And never found but lost
I was looking for you
But lost my self
In eyes...
Forum: Gefühlte Momente und Emotionen 23.05.2018, 23:54
Antworten: 0
Hits: 373
Erstellt von meandyouatnight
Can I decide?

Can I decide?

There are two selfs of mine
The quiet and the loud
It is a matter of time
For which one to come out
They appear in shape of dark and light
Regularly at day and night
One way...
Zeige Ergebnis 1 bis 3 von 3


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