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Forum durchsuchen: Beiträge von: Antoinette Fourie
Forum: Internationale Gedichte 14.07.2021, 23:49
Antworten: 1
Hits: 390
Erstellt von Antoinette Fourie
Distance kills love

Too far away…

Did the midnight darkness bring forgetfulness
Flowing with tears of regret
For all the dreams that suffocated in distress
Now tortured by sadness of which we want less

Forum: Internationale Gedichte 23.02.2021, 02:11
Antworten: 0
Hits: 361
Erstellt von Antoinette Fourie
Where are the happy people?

I’m seeking a place with a smile
Where people still dance and remember
That life is a beautiful place
If we accept and surrender

I’m seeking for passion and kindness
Hearts coated with joy...
Forum: Internationale Gedichte 23.02.2021, 02:06
Antworten: 0
Hits: 293
Erstellt von Antoinette Fourie
Stepping out of the madness

Urgent calls remind me that right now I can't be found
Messages unanswered, I reply without a sound
Unable now to understand my language they regret
All the things that's left undone and what they...
Forum: Internationale Gedichte 23.02.2021, 01:45
Antworten: 0
Hits: 271
Erstellt von Antoinette Fourie
Pushed aside

I believe they've forgotten my number and name
My compassionate smile to comfort their pain
I gave them food and encouraged each heart
A beautiful exchange, we were never apart

My warming fire...
Forum: Internationale Gedichte 22.02.2021, 18:09
Antworten: 0
Hits: 281
Erstellt von Antoinette Fourie

Our perfect imperfections see the sufferings on Earth
We ponder on our weaknesses and what we're really worth
Longing for our souls to be restored, we wait each day
Praying to our Father God to...
Forum: Internationale Gedichte 22.02.2021, 15:41
Antworten: 0
Hits: 335
Erstellt von Antoinette Fourie

The earth will call the lonely to fall into her grace
Those who feel unwanted, the souls without a place
Do you hear accusing voices, in the darkest dark of night
Constantly broadcasting how you...
Forum: Internationale Gedichte 21.02.2021, 09:09
Antworten: 0
Hits: 289
Erstellt von Antoinette Fourie
Forbidden love

Let me lay beside your beauty
Let the silence speak its mind
I know that we see better
When both of us are blind

Let me tell you that I love you
Without words but with a smile
Stay forever...
Forum: Internationale Gedichte 21.02.2021, 04:41
Antworten: 0
Hits: 339
Erstellt von Antoinette Fourie
Untouched by Covid-19


Soon the light of day will heal my blindness as the dark of night returns to sender. In all her splendour Mother Earth awakens. Her restless anticipation is voiced in the roaring of the...
Forum: Internationale Gedichte 21.02.2021, 04:33
Antworten: 0
Hits: 287
Erstellt von Antoinette Fourie
Words of wisdom

When we speak, let it be words of kindness
When we act, let it be acts of mercy
When we live, let it be a life filled with compassion
When we think, let it be without judgement
When we give,...
Forum: Internationale Gedichte 21.02.2021, 04:25
Antworten: 0
Hits: 275
Erstellt von Antoinette Fourie

Parkinson’s disease

You are my unwillingness, my heavy peace of mind
In spite of how you torture me, I know that life is kind
You are unacceptable, so stubborn when you speak
You’re the...
Forum: Internationale Gedichte 21.02.2021, 03:53
Antworten: 0
Hits: 270
Erstellt von Antoinette Fourie

The shadow on my threatened soul now makes my heart confess
The harvest wasn’t plentiful, the wages became less
Forceful wishes broke my bones, the fire hot as hell
Self fulfilling prophecy I...
Forum: Internationale Gedichte 20.02.2021, 18:42
Antworten: 0
Hits: 262
Erstellt von Antoinette Fourie

My shell

Every cell in my shell is mourning
Tears that I just cannot hide
Raising white flags to find comfort
Running from side to side

Unpredictable torture has stolen
The beautiful...
Forum: Internationale Gedichte 20.02.2021, 17:12
Antworten: 0
Hits: 288
Erstellt von Antoinette Fourie
Where is the love

Where is the love?

We draw our own conclusions and so keenly disagree
Judging those we think are blind, because we cannot see
Our words are full of praise but then our hearts turn into stone...
Forum: Internationale Gedichte 20.02.2021, 15:14
Antworten: 0
Hits: 362
Erstellt von Antoinette Fourie


Our perfect imperfections see the sufferings on Earth
We ponder on our weaknesses and what we're really worth
Longing for our souls to be restored, we wait each day
Praying to our...
Forum: Internationale Gedichte 20.02.2021, 03:05
Antworten: 0
Hits: 280
Erstellt von Antoinette Fourie
Who is the King

Who is the king?

They said they'll gladly take the place of my beloved King
Cause he was very busy fighting Satan in the ring
They told me they would carry me cause I was not that strong
Forum: Internationale Gedichte 17.02.2021, 10:57
Antworten: 0
Hits: 446
Erstellt von Antoinette Fourie
Love and life

1. A place of darkness
For a friend...

Shout out loud in perfect silence, o my tortured soul
Sing myself a lullaby, then try to gain control.

Feel the pain feel nothing, cut my flesh so...
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