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Alt 30.01.2022, 03:42   #1
weiblich lovewithcreativity
Benutzerbild von lovewithcreativity
Dabei seit: 01/2022
Ort: Salzburg
Alter: 21
Beiträge: 4

Standard Bacchus wearing his cardigan

inspiration: cardigan by taylor swift

when I felt like I was an old cardigan
under someone’s bed
you put me on and said I was your favorite

we are more than friends
when we meet up on the weekends
spotting you pull into my driveway
starting shot for our play

hitting the road with my favorite song
hearing you carol along
it’s my favorite because it reminds me of you
fantasizing about the things you gonna make me do

your touch is a remedy for my body
your smell‘s evoking the flowers at California poppy
running fingers through my curves
your kisses taste like the hors d‘oeuvres

silence in the hotel room
nothing but heavy breaths and my vanishing gloom
biting lips
moving hips

liquor running through my veins
it reigns my head closer to your invisible chains
it’s the fuel that provokes my passion
between us there’s no ration

our bodies tangled up all night long
my moans compose a love song
falling asleep in your arms
protecting me from my ghosting harm‘s

when the sunlight touches my face
different case
no ethanol running through your blood
my fantasy is starting to dud

not the same kiss and not the same touch
feeling like I am stuck in a hutch
you only desire me when you are not sober
my body freezes like it’s mid-October

you are one of the good guys
proof are your eyes
you put on a show because you don’t wanna hurt me
but after the high I can tell you wanna flee

you don’t want my soul
you want my body
but there’s no soul without body
and no body without soul

I feel like I am an old cardigan
laying under someone’s bed
when you put me on
I am your favorite
but you only wear me at night
once a week
when you are done you take me off
you throw me on the ground
and brush me under the bed
lovewithcreativity ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 12.02.2022, 01:41   #2
weiblich resmagnifica
Benutzerbild von resmagnifica
Dabei seit: 02/2022
Ort: Wien
Beiträge: 7

mein kompliment - gefällt mir unglaublich gut. man kann sich sehr hineinfühlen in das, was du beschreibst, du findest exakt passende worte. weiter so!
resmagnifica ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten

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freundschaft, herzschmerz, liebe

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