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Alt 17.02.2021, 10:57   #1
weiblich Antoinette Fourie
Dabei seit: 02/2021
Ort: Zurich
Beiträge: 16

Standard Love and life

1. A place of darkness
For a friend...

Shout out loud in perfect silence, o my tortured soul
Sing myself a lullaby, then try to gain control.

Feel the pain feel nothing, cut my flesh so deep.
I turn my cheek the other way, then hide in restless sleep.

Hopeless hope for barren lands, drought to feed the seeds
Seeing growth on empty fields, yet blind to my own needs.

Perfect pain, perfect gain, perfectly apart
Knowing all my nothingness, helps not to feel my heart.

Hang me on the apple tree, eat the fruit and then feel free
Break my bones and mend my mind, I know I'm so unkind.

Darkest light your promises holds any kind of blame
Biggest lie your cunningness exposes all my shame.

Eyes wide shut and mouths wide open, many words have since been spoken.
Let it go or let it stay, find the road, then miss the way.

Meet with me and seek for I, don't let myself slip us by.
Does this story have an end, will the broken hearts be mend?

Quietly so quiet, noise can be so still, help me now dear Mother Earth to according to hear your healing will
Antoinette Fourie ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten

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