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Alt 28.12.2017, 01:26   #1
weiblich Colorednote
Benutzerbild von Colorednote
Dabei seit: 12/2017
Alter: 24
Beiträge: 7

Standard Bleeding Tone

I want to close my eyes
I've had enough of these lies
Always coming to light
driving me aside
You say you're being honest
But I think you're just the loneliest.
So what are you hiding from me?

I want to drown my sorrows
Like there's no tomorrow
But your voice wakes me from my deep sleep
Tears my dreams that I intend to need
There are a million things to say
But what if we're too far away?
I don't want to lose, but I fear the winners
You can call me a sinner.

Monster stuck in my head
Monsters like the ones under our bed
My heart beats like a drum
The hunt has just begun

I will fight
I'll go through the night
Victory in my veins
Even though the heavens are full of rain
I don't know if you were the light or the storm.
But I have no regrets but my own
This song in my ears is like a bleeding tone
A bleeding tone
Oh, what am I gonna do?

I never pushed you away.
And now you're doing it for me today.
It's as if our love is doomed to failure
There has never been a future as described before
All the things are messed up like this
Even our time together is something I no longer miss.
I'll take the pain away from you one last time,
It's all coming off the rhyme.
And with our love through tears and thorns
We're now only strangers hoping to be reborn

Monster stuck in my head
Monsters like the ones under our bed
My heart beats like a drum
The hunt has just begun

I will fight
I'll go through the night
Victory in my veins
Even though the heavens are full of rain
I don't know if you were the light or the storm.
But I have no regrets but my own
This song in my ears is like a bleeding tone
A bleeding tone
Oh, what am I gonna do?
(What am I gonna do? Oh.)
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