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Alt 07.09.2014, 12:50   #1
weiblich anna amalia
Dabei seit: 01/2014
Beiträge: 3.534

Standard There is nothing like Australia

I love the sound of kookaburrahs,
the strange scribbling of nature,
and the damp scent of Kununurrah
and the smile of a wombat mature.

I love the music of the rainforest
and the place, where it meets the reef,
the boing boing of the roos
And the humming of the bees.

I love smelling the soil,
where my soul met the life
and I love swimming in the sea,
where manatees tend to dive.

I love rosellas and galahs and the wild cocketoos,
the secret of the ancient and the didgeridoos
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