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Alt 22.09.2006, 18:09   #1
männlich Artbeck Feierabend
Benutzerbild von Artbeck Feierabend
Dabei seit: 09/2006
Ort: Osnabrück
Alter: 52
Beiträge: 43

Standard Hyaena, Tick and Co.

Hyaena, Tick and Co

Zoos are fun
you can see
lazy lions
dozing in the sun
and birds on trees
happy baboons
rattling at bars
and smiling crocodiles
eating dead chicks

tigers are jogging
up and down
just like eager athletes
in our town

eagles and falcons
circle figures
of eight
in cages

goats and guinea pigs
are fooling around
and getting spoiled
by the people's
tenderly patting hands

LOOK! Zoos
as you can see
are places of harmony
apes and monkeys
dolphins and salmons
spiders and tigers
tapirs and bears
live together

And when it's dark
you can still hear them
mating and yelping
roaring and snoaring
shrieking and calling
the rattling
at the bars
is audible.
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