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Gefühlte Momente und Emotionen Gedichte über Stimmungen und was euch innerlich bewegt.

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Alt 21.05.2013, 21:01   #1
weiblich LittleAngel
Dabei seit: 05/2013
Alter: 28
Beiträge: 11

Standard words

Das ist mein erster Versuch eines Songtextes und ich wäre froh über jede Kritik, Änderungen, Ergaenzungen etc.


Of course conversation is good,
words can often make things right again.
But sometimes silence expresses more thanwords should-
Not that I want to complain.

Feelings are no words,
But words are all my thoughts.
I can't see them,
but they are in my head like a big crowd.

I can't get rid of them,
can't run away,
and I'm not sure if it's good or bad,
but they will always stay.

You ask me how I am,
and I don't know what to say.
There are a lot things to tell,
but it seems that there is something in my way.

I don't know what to do,
because there is no word in my mind,
expressing what I want to.

So I can't tell you with words,
but I won't ignore your look.

Words can lie,
but we feel the truth.
Even if we first seem to believe it-
deep down we need no proof.

Words can mean so much,
if they are innocent or true.
But they can also be just words,
for example if they come from you.
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