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Internationale Gedichte Sämtliche nicht-deutschsprachige Gedichte.

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Alt 19.03.2006, 20:42   #1
Dabei seit: 03/2005
Beiträge: 181

Standard Friendship??

You always wanted to know the truth,
and the truth is I can't forget you
I've tried so hard to accept how it is
Nothin' has really changed,
just the way I saw you once
doesn't exist anymore today.

Because you don't call, you don't write
what should I other do than cry,
not because of sadness,
but that even friends can feel so different
I really never thought about that.

Twice a year a meeting,
that is everything else but friendship,
it's keeping contact to someone
who might be good to fill up bad times.

I ran after you so long,
everyone said I was stupid,
but that's what love does...
I was inlove all these years
but you just never wanted to see.

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Alt 14.07.2006, 23:20   #2
Christina Wild
Dabei seit: 07/2006
Beiträge: 41


I like ur poem very much because I know ur feelings. I have the same problem. I love my friend, but this is very bad for our friendship... He kissed me and that was the beginning of all. First there was only our friendship and now there are my feelings for him. I love him, but he only likes me and he don't know why he kissed me...he said so... I'm scared of the friendship... we are drifting apart... I don't want to destroy everything between us and I don't know what to do...
Sorry because of my bad English... but I don't know if u can speak German

Greetings, Chrissy
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