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Alt 19.01.2010, 18:09   #1
männlich moon
Benutzerbild von moon
Dabei seit: 09/2009
Ort: im All
Alter: 39
Beiträge: 362

Standard slipped

Time in doubled execution
wordless pair of hope and
expectation, respectively
the smallest of all choices.

In the center of my eyes
and attention, faith
multiplied inner voices
stimulated ways to think.
moon ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 19.01.2010, 23:34   #2
männlich movfaltin
Dabei seit: 06/2009
Ort: Glei newwa da Elegdrisch
Alter: 42
Beiträge: 130

Beg your pardon, but I just don't grasp both the first and second stanza. Even more so, I haven't got the slightest how to read them. Iow: I feel lost. Would you mind providing a plethora of helpful comments? c-:

Well, sounds nice though. As far as I can tell.
movfaltin ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 20.01.2010, 00:47   #3
männlich moon
Benutzerbild von moon
Dabei seit: 09/2009
Ort: im All
Alter: 39
Beiträge: 362

It's a bit weird, isn't it. True. Must admit that I'm not really aware of every single word myself. There is a sense to it though. I'll try to give you some clues to get an idea of what it supposed to state.

The first part outlines a quite common view on time in general, when it runs twice as fast as it used to. To give an example I might compare it with two ways of sittin in a cinema watchin a movie. In the first case it's terribly tiring, you sit and wait, nothing's ever gonna happen. Second one is absolutely fascinating. You seem to be enchained in your seat. Now you have no choice to get yourself clear bout the final judgement, time is way faster than any of your thoughts. Sure, you have expectations, but you can't really name them, cause there's simply no time to rest.

In the second stanza the protagonist tries to get out of this speechelessness. Full concentration on what is important and what he wants to see. Kind of an inner monologue. In the end he finally begins to get the grip back again. Creative energy pushed him out of lost minutes, so to speak. He makes a decision and eventually get out of his slippers. Yeah, it's bout gettin out of boring living room slippers and puttin on your dancin shoes.

Just one way to read it though. Hopefully there are a lot more of them and that you're not that lost anymore.

moon ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 22.01.2010, 15:52   #4
männlich movfaltin
Dabei seit: 06/2009
Ort: Glei newwa da Elegdrisch
Alter: 42
Beiträge: 130

Phew, okay. Got it; think so at least. Doubled execution would have reminded me of a déja-vu or of, well, some sort of pun: killing time twice (which then might imply boredom and slow-mo progression). Thx.
movfaltin ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten

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