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Alt 15.09.2008, 13:03   #1
Apple Shampoo
Dabei seit: 09/2008
Beiträge: 2

Standard Be mine

I look out of the window,
I'm locked inside my room.
Sadness high, fun so low,
nothing seems to satisfy.
I look into the heart of me,
no difference to outside.
Sadness high, luck so low,
and no one is to justify.

I'm feeling bad, all sences left.
I feel alone, no one's here to hold
my Hand in hers, my heart tonight.
I feel alone, I need someone
to kiss and hug, to cuddle up.
To hold me warm and tight.
I don't feel fine at any time
rescue me, be mine!

I would hold your hand, give you my heart.
Would dry your eyes if life gets hard.
Would share a hug, would share my love.
Would hold you close, warm in my arms.
Would fly with you up to the stars.
Would cry with you, would die for you.
Would even if you want me too,
loose my bright wry smile for you.

Words can't say what else could be,
possible, if you were mine.
Nothing's left to ask for me,
except: "Will you be mine?"
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