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Alt 18.03.2008, 00:36   #1
Dabei seit: 09/2007
Beiträge: 5

Standard golden crossaint

I wanna sit forever on that golden crossaint here on the moon
My thoughts are stuck between
While HIM is the first end of the crossaint
HIM is the other end
I decided to eat the first one with jam
Golden crossaint with crystal jam,delicious
Something told me to go on
So I jumped off my cosy place with one end missing
I fell off the moon,very slow,like A
On my way down I met HIM and
coloured light like glow-worms
They gave me 5 pounds saying 'Go buy yourself a life' I asked HIM where to do that but he wasn't listening ,though falling beneath me
Earth closer,my feet were on fire
Landed in a lake that had mermaids
I swam next to the purple plants,
but then the fat cat came
grabbed my hair and pulled me on land
I gave it 5 pounds to buy a new brain
Under the sea again
Through the tunnels I swam
I saw couples kissing,candles drifting on the surface
but I kept on diving
My dress was flying in the new air
He said he'd die for me,
he'd buy me all my dreams
Don't steal my soul and beauty.I want them to be in HIM's heart.
I jumped away singing
I jumped and turned around flying,and I wanted to fall.
I gave my best but I woke up tied up in a lightning chain.
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