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Internationale Gedichte Sämtliche nicht-deutschsprachige Gedichte.

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Alt 09.10.2023, 21:31   #1
weiblich Matrix24
Dabei seit: 10/2023
Ort: München
Beiträge: 24

Standard In Absence of Devotion

Christmas is dawning with a shower of bleak.
I stare to the hallow fir tree rootless and weak
stripped out reckless of its sacred hall
drying out slowly, then the whole tree may fall.
Thiny branches keep dim glittering christmasballs
A sound of danger s escaping of the slaughtered goose
Hollow presents lay arround in dark greyish halls,
next ugly and frozen hearts, being right for the noose.
I swear i hear their fiend, the demon, cry
with its inaudible sound of death
and the limb of the goose on the tablett' ll sigh
exhaling the last spark in absence of its head.
Disquietingly hands become folded for petition
Devotion and silence for the Lords beyond myself.
Demons rise up to the sacred earth in my vision.
Their faces look evil, shattering their fiends shelves.
The thicket looks austere in its nocturnal silence
whispering trees in the flood of a darkening night
I m walking arround so far from christmas violence
condemning cruel customs with the absence of light
So I prefer to walk alone trough the misty woods,
if midnight arrises with a faint breathe of life
Then moonlight will bless my forsaken roots
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