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Alt 01.07.2023, 19:42   #1
Benutzerbild von Wolfi
Dabei seit: 07/2023
Beiträge: 6

Standard :CORRIDO(O)RS: - Echoes of Time - Technical Death Metal

Darkend echoes of time are holding pressure tight

Relentless water fills the cave, no oxygen is left to spare

The walls are shrinking, bending twisting
There is no one there, no one is there..

Darkness is too bright, twilight just reached you
Unfathomable shrines born from despair, the obelisk is watching here

As your thoughts are rising higher, develop their own desire
For the wisdom from the mire
You break into wooden cages full of sand and wire
Fear who was never felt before

Eroded fractal blink of inner oblivion
The wheel stands still, yet in full motion

In craving for the light which has never been seen before
Madness bewitch the mind, a roar in the distance catches the admire

It's time for waking up, isn't it?
Wolfi ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 02.07.2023, 12:00   #2
Benutzerbild von Wolfi
Dabei seit: 07/2023
Beiträge: 6

Standard Änderung1

Darkness is too bright, twilights feathers striked
Fight or flight!
Unfathomable shrines born from despair, the obelisk is watching here
Wolfi ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten

Lesezeichen für :CORRIDO(O)RS: - Echoes of Time - Technical Death Metal

angst, einsamkeit, liedtext

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