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Alt 22.03.2018, 17:17   #1
weiblich Colorednote
Benutzerbild von Colorednote
Dabei seit: 12/2017
Alter: 24
Beiträge: 7

Standard Holy Ghost

My friend, please tell me something
How many times
Have you had your heart broken?
How many times
did you let your hope be stolen?
By these people who promised to stay with you forever
who always told you, "It's not as bad as ever."
Just to find out that behind their tissue of lies
the dawn of a storm in the skies slumbers

My friend, please be honest
How many times
did you let your faith get lost?
How many times
did you pray to the holy ghost?
Just to be trained in thinking you found the right one
in learning what it's like to remain alone
Wiping away your tears on your sleeves
Unable to sleep the nights in peace.

You try and close your eyes
But all that appears are the memories
Deeply hidden in the abysses of your soul
are stories you don't want anyone to hear.
Visions of how you grow old together
Visions of you folding your hands into one another
Visions of how your lips melt with every kiss

You start crying, but it doesn't help anymore.
Instead, every tear that covers your face hurts like hell
But you wish they would drown all the pain
Even if you have to realize soon,
that they make the pain feel even more real
Everyone tells you to let go
And everyone knows you tried.

You tried
And you tried and you tried
But only regret fills the space between your arms where he used to lie
It's so strange how much a broken heart can cause.
And how well only one person can lie
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