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Internationale Gedichte Sämtliche nicht-deutschsprachige Gedichte.

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Alt 08.09.2007, 14:54   #1
Dabei seit: 09/2007
Beiträge: 5

Standard who's it?

versteht ihr dieses gedicht -könnt ihr sagen,um wen es sich handelt?

Small invisible circles on two bigger skin-coloured circles
repeating itself ,but never the same
but often curled.
I see blurred Vietnam food
try Pu-Erh and the bible.
still surrounded.
very colourful,but black-white
my throat burns from hot drink and stomach from emptiness
time for John Player Special,black
time for short fringe
for darkness,but not alone
for artists
time for
time for Woodstock.
Dyou feel the Art Brut? Great.
Were they kindred souls?
stabbing choke
heart throat
14600 days ago.but no,it's still now
have had the second dream bubble of you
I felt your leathern jacket,beloved chum
but the fishmouth over me was more thrill
Please,do it again.
and after,hold out your cigarette to me
but don't show your long nails,i won't show my shorties
Devotion anyway.
Devotion is a nice word,and a nice thing
But again: were they kindred souls?
She in her purple velvet dress
Did he snatch it off after the duet?
"o ,dawling "
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