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Alt 10.09.2011, 01:20   #1
männlich Leagallow
Dabei seit: 05/2011
Alter: 36
Beiträge: 2

Standard Passing

Please be a little gentle with grammar and spelling. Non the less mention it to improve the style and please enjoy !

You think your're so smart.
I say rather dense.
not knowing that I'm freaking,
getting around you all tense.
But when I try speaking,
more mumbling, grumbling, queaking,
while I can't find my voice,
your going past me.
No noise...
Not even a sound,a ping or a plong
not even a whisper, a ring, a gong
Anything! What can I do?
Playing a ghost say boo?
or joing a march drumming,
better trumping
right into your face.
At least that would lower the space

I don't know.
Even that would blow.
You're a book
with thousand sealed sides
when I try grabing a glimpse
your hands, your body,your limbs,
they slide - like water,
the ebb-tide at noon
fading into nothing,
hideing like the new moon.
Not seeable, but present.
Only this time I intent,
Showing the moon it's place.
Speaking up, screaming in your face.
And so I still try
making my voice at least cry.
so Ii hope - nope.

Still totaly quiet, seeming forever,
filling my eyes, never ever!
Being with you, what lies!
You will leave me behind
like always and I wil find
myself mad, furious, sad,
cussing at the world,
making it bad.
So before that I go.
Saying a last goodbye with a bow.
And then I fart - NO WAY!
Excuse me? - you say.
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