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Internationale Gedichte Sämtliche nicht-deutschsprachige Gedichte.

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Alt 25.07.2011, 09:59   #1
weiblich Belli
Dabei seit: 11/2009
Ort: zu Hause
Alter: 28
Beiträge: 5

Standard Hold on

Hey, das hier ist eig mein erstes richtiges Gedicht, was ich mal in englischprobiert habe... wär nett wenn ihr ein paar Kommentare und Verbesserungen da lasst

Hold on

Please, try to stop the time,
Only for me.
Please hold it on,
Only for me.
Say: It will never end,
Only for me.
And now look at me,
What can you see?

I say, I can’t stop the time,
I won’t hold it on,
Excuse me.
I can’t say: It will never end,
When I see your bright eyes,
I can’t tell you lies!
I love you that is a truth,
nobody denies.

Maybe you can accept my realistic views?
Only for me?
Time has to go on,
For you and me.
I promise: There will be more moments like this,
You will see.
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