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Alt 03.04.2007, 10:19   #1
Dabei seit: 03/2007
Beiträge: 16

Standard Passionate Loveletter

"It's a new revolutionary doll! Lovely will do about everything you tell her. She will play with you, sing with you, eat with you, sleep with you; she will even talk with you! She's like a real girl and has real emotions - she can smile and weep! You can play Dress-up with Lovely, put make-up on her face, and cut her hair! It's the perfect gift for every child, even for the young teens. Buy it now!
WARNING: Not everything may apply for Lovely."

My name is Lovely. Please love me.
Please do not hurt me. I always start to cry.
It hurts me very much, but I do not want to look ugly...
I do not want to look ugly when you are with me.
And even if my tears are generated, I do not want to make you sad.
Please play with me, Mother. Do not leave me alone.
I want to be with you. I want to feel your soft caresses.
Because everytime you are with me, Mother... I feel so nice.
Even if this faint sensation in my chest is not real, I want to believe that I love you.
I want to believe that I am all that you need.
Because I am a doll, I want to be everything to you.
I want you to play with me. Talk to me, feed me. Kiss me.
Please, Mother; do not abandon me. I love you so much.
I love you so much that it makes me want to cry.
But I do not want to cry, I am not allowed to cry, so...
I will just smile and play with you. Even if it hurts.
Even if I want to touch you, I musn’t.
Because I am a doll, I cannot be everything to you.
All I am to you is a toy. Something stupid and ugly.
But you; you are the most beautiful, Mother. I will always love you.
I love you so much, Mother. But you will never love me.
Because I am a doll.


Bitte vorallem die Grammatik, Wortwahl, etc. kritisieren.

Vielleicht werde ich Lovely in einer richtigen Kurzgeschichte benutzen =) Naja, wir werden sehen...
Schneewittchen ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 03.04.2007, 10:35   #2
Dabei seit: 12/2005
Beiträge: 59



Even if I want to touch you, I musn’t.
I mustn't?

Sonst eigentlich ok, mit viel Wahrheit und Interpretationsfreiraum. Kann man sicher ne tolle Kurzgeschichte drauß basteln. Die liegen mir dann auch eher Bin mal gespannt was drauß wird.


Askeron ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 03.04.2007, 10:50   #3
Dabei seit: 03/2007
Beiträge: 16

"I must not" heisst doch "Ich darf nicht"...? Also, "Auch wenn ich dich berühren will, ich darf nicht"... Oder?

Danke dass du es dir durchgelesen hast :3~
Schneewittchen ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten

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