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Internationale Gedichte Sämtliche nicht-deutschsprachige Gedichte.

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Alt 30.05.2014, 14:59   #1
männlich UdoFrentzen
Benutzerbild von UdoFrentzen
Dabei seit: 05/2008
Ort: Köln
Alter: 76
Beiträge: 247

Standard Down River

Running waters reflect our ways in life,
Ripples in the river, waves in the ocean,
Stars in the sky are here tight distances.

In the year 2000 a thought stubbed me
To closer measure our distance to God,
Going up? Going down? – Up river!

Here it ambulates alga rich and green,
Wealth, misery, close by and far off,
Cleft wide open, stubborn and at war.

His Words advise us in every epistle:
Steadily climb up to the sources of life,
Where the brooks are still blue and clear.

Row with diligence against the currents,
Don’t let yourself be carried downstream,
At night set up your tent at shore side.

Boats rushing by, directed downwards,
Packed with heads, goods and weapons,
Move stringed with decorating pennants.

Perusing their journeys long distance,
Their captains follow the same tour
That led up to colonies and world wars.

Gushing down the first narrow water fall,
They sport their business with death flags
Above eddies, there grey and poisoned.

After the second fall towards the delta,
A return is hardly any more manageable
Out of dense, perversely dripping fogs.

The kings and presidents of our times
Aim at massive planetary catastrophes
To be all drowned in reds, blacks, lead.

(german translation in Zeitgeschehen)
UdoFrentzen ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten

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