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Alt 16.12.2020, 11:05   #1
weiblich Poeticshady777
Benutzerbild von Poeticshady777
Dabei seit: 12/2020
Ort: Waidhaus
Beiträge: 4

Standard I can't

As the last candle was burning ,
and all the pages were turning ,
I could feel my bitter sweet yearning .
All the people around me never were that churning .

Rose for rose fell on the desolate grave roof.
Nothing was ever going smooth.
Silence was the proof !
Strenght i had to prove .

The sky was covered in a misty veil .
From the sun was no trail .
I stood here and felt like a fail !

Tears flowed in hopeless stream .
I couldn't look in your eyes on the screen.
Right now i want to scream .
So many times i was so mean !
And all i did seems to be unseen!
Against you i could always lean .
You helped me to stay clean .
You always were a sun beam .
There has never been a more beautiful dream !

I can't stand without your strong hand !
Yesterday we wrote hearts in the sand .
And now ?
I just can't understand .
I never had a demand !

I never deserved you .
And that is so true !
With you the sky was so blue .
If my heart were broken ,then you were the glue .

I regret it so much !
You gave me the most beautiful touch .
With you i never felt judge!

In your death i will never believe,
because you were taken from me like a thiev .
And this lets me grieve !
I never wanted you to leave !
I just can hardly breathe !

My darling i want you back .
Without you every single thing in my life is black .
I don't want to crack !
Poeticshady777 ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 16.12.2020, 11:39   #2
männlich Walther
Benutzerbild von Walther
Dabei seit: 03/2013
Beiträge: 1.885

welcome. wrong place for that text. right place: https://www.poetry.de/forumdisplay.php?f=28
cheers W.
Walther ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten

Lesezeichen für I can't

liebe, schmerz, trauer

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