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Alt 04.01.2010, 20:22   #1
weiblich IsabelG
Benutzerbild von IsabelG
Dabei seit: 10/2008
Ort: eschwege
Alter: 41
Beiträge: 533

Standard Thinking in close-ups

Melting something close
on the edge
of the the not yet finished thoughts
on minds.

Spreading out and running down,
as if water could help us now
and standing on darkening moss
in forests and wet grounds,
feeling nothing touch through shoes
but everything like a close-up
to our eyes.

(a small "thanks" to the inspiring comments of movfaltin)
IsabelG ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 17.01.2010, 23:40   #2
männlich movfaltin
Dabei seit: 06/2009
Ort: Glei newwa da Elegdrisch
Alter: 42
Beiträge: 130

If only I had a scooby what words still remain to be said on my behalf?
Ah, got it: a huge thank you for this poem of yours (as for all the others, at least the English-speaking ones).

There is one image included which I really like: the replacement of (well, in a way superficial) haptics by close-up (remote? deeper?) watching. I do not know whether this meets your intentions, but - a great idea anyway.(However, I would have thought of rubber boots instead due to the moisture dripping all through your poem.)

movfaltin ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 18.01.2010, 17:26   #3
weiblich IsabelG
Benutzerbild von IsabelG
Dabei seit: 10/2008
Ort: eschwege
Alter: 41
Beiträge: 533

Your are welcome it`s yours.

There is one image included which I really like: the replacement of (well, in a way superficial) haptics by close-up (remote? deeper?) watching. I do not know whether this meets your intentions, but - a great idea anyway.(However, I would have thought of rubber boots instead due to the moisture dripping all through your poem.)
It is a deeper look, I am glad it came through and yeah, well it is a lot of moisture but a rainy day just comes with it.

IsabelG ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten

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