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Alt 07.09.2005, 12:18   #1
Dabei seit: 09/2005
Beiträge: 1

Standard Crestfallen

I take the bait to stop the time for eternity
everytime I see you smiling, I feel the blithness
becoming a part of me, but my heart holds a sea
that lays in the depths of it were gloomy memories be.
I'm feeling how I abandon myself to despair,
whether it's my faith or the strong mistrust
my body and mind's still obtaining, this affair
it makes no sense for me, because I'm controlled by frust.
I break lose of this chains that held me for so long
in their cold, emotionless steel, I'm taking comfort
to talk to you a few words, get to know you among
the school lessons, show you the intellect of my sort.
So cheery while I'm talking to you that I do not
realize I'm really acting in this kind of way,
but I like my new ,,I", so I'm holding what I got
to build up a friendship that'll have a longer stay.
Like a gardener I see it blooming and growing
in the souls garden and you'll take care of my senses
that were oppressed by this lasting nostalgic feelin'
in dependence on all of my abandoned chances.
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