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Alt 08.05.2005, 19:09   #1
Dabei seit: 05/2005
Beiträge: 38

Standard all I really need

All I really need

All I really need is the peace inside my Soul
Love and Life to smile some more at all
Lonely days before every night hurt so bad
I really try so hard to not acting like I’m sad
Reaching the point where nothing really make sense
Every dream vanish by touching with my hands
As If my dreaming day and night is in vain
Listening to my inner voice serving me pain
Lost inside myself watching the rain from up above
You know you are my healing elixir, dear Love
Need you as if you are the air for my Soul
Everything that made me now makes me fall
Everything I learned, Love as my teacher in deed
Drowning now because now Love is what I need
I can’t see the sun but I feel the crushing heat
Sweet wonderful Love, you are all I need

After relationships showing me the borders
Beautiful angels combined with romantic orders
Every girl was special in her individually way
Angels of Love, Life and Magic controlled my day
Through all those different periods of Life
Years so sweet and also sad but I survived
Facing Women not really fitting me well
Used to have a girl and we survived hell
Loving eachother was culturally wrong
Another Angel with who I came along
Never really was grown-up enough for me
Doors further I was with a sweet Lady
We were so different in nearly every way
Our love was good but disagreement every day
Not only relationships based on each other’s heart
Didn’t also care to try the player part
Eighteen year old I then stopped this side
Reaching the point to treat everyone just right
Feelings and Relationships turned into intensive
Using this gentle art making myself more sensitive
Let Love to be my number one duty for everyone
And I also mean to fight against suppression
Now to come back to what I want and really need
Great Magic in which every sweet fantasy could read
Everlasting Breath and never ending Light
Love is what I really need deep inside

All I really need is the peace inside my Soul
Love and Life to smile some more at all
Lonely days before every night hurt so bad
I really try so hard to not acting like I’m sad
Reaching the point where nothing really make sense
Every dream vanish by touching with my hands
As If my dreaming day and night is in vain
Listening to my inner voice serving me pain
Lost inside myself watching the rain from up above
You know you are my healing elixir, dear Love
Need you as if you are the air for my Soul
Everything that made me now makes me fall
Everything I learned, Love as my teacher in deed
Drowning now because now Love is what I need
I can’t see the sun but I feel the crushing heat
Sweet wonderful Love, you are all I need

All I really need is a Lady who knows life
Not spoiled, naive and always arrive
An Angel who sees the beauty of a tear
No hate and not feeling too much fear
Gleam of hope where ever she goes
Estimating the things she sees and knows
Living for today and Living for Love
Our Love should be a saving glove
Freedom without trying to be a loner
Freedom for every Soul in every corner
All I need is a beautiful Lady loving me
Incredible great heart and much fantasy
Right thinking, smart and curios she’s gotta be
Not thinking a lot about what she’s worth
Even if I daily flatter my Lady with sweet words
Special presents and amazing moments
Soulfood for Life I wanna be and also send
And she should also be my soft healing
Receiving the message of love in every feeling
Tears of Happiness for an amazing Love
All I need is an angel, sent from up above
Noone could treat her better than I can
Delivering more love than any other man
Why is it so hard to just find my fantasy
I’m lonely and freezing, too dark to see
Standing here feeling so empty in mind
Doing a lot, but true Love is hard to find
Only this Love will rescue my Soul falling down
My Life without Love is Like Music without sound

All I really need is the peace inside my Soul
Love and Life to smile some more at all
Lonely days before every night hurt so bad
I really try so hard to not acting like I’m sad
Reaching the point where nothing really make sense
Every dream vanish by touching with my hands
As If my dreaming day and night is in vain
Listening to my inner voice serving me pain
Lost inside myself watching the rain from up above
You know you are my healing elixir, dear Love
Need you as if you are the air for my Soul
Everything that made me now makes me fall
Everything I learned, Love as my teacher in deed
Drowning now because now Love is what I need
I can’t see the sun but I feel the crushing heat
Sweet wonderful Love, you are all I need
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