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Alt 19.04.2020, 20:22   #1
weiblich AnnaWagner
Benutzerbild von AnnaWagner
Dabei seit: 07/2014
Ort: München
Alter: 27
Beiträge: 234

Standard I'm possible

I’m standing here at heaven‘s door
and can’t take one step further,
I’m too afraid to be called whore
or judged for crime and murther.

It cannot be that folk like me,
that's neither wise nor special,
should have the opportunity
to go on board a vessel,

that brings me straight to paradise,
where no one knows no matter.
So, I retreat and don’t think twice
to scramble down the ladder.

But back on earth I know my fault
is not in being humble.
With that I sip a Whisky Malt
and listen to a mumble.

It’s wrong to think that dreams may be
too big, too bright, too crazy,
impossible or not for me –
so, don’t you dare be lazy.

Oh, let them call me whore of life,
don't listen to their saying,
for I do know that I will thrive,
that god will hear my praying.

A criminal on holy clouds,
a mind that dances freely,
that murders gladly all its doubts
and never will be seely.

Not only once it’s meant to be,
and even though it’s scary,
to jump into uncertainty,
to not be shy or wary.

The threshold is now crossable,
a path that I created.
A falling screams: “I’m possible!”
Impossible – outdated.

[“Nothing is impossible, the word itself says 'I'm possible'!” - Audrey Hepburn]
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