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Alt 29.06.2011, 12:49   #1
weiblich Colorblind
Dabei seit: 06/2011
Ort: teils in meiner Traumwelt, teils in der Realität :)
Beiträge: 10

Standard You and Me

You wanna call it silence that never came.
You wanna call me hopeless and say it’s such a shame.
Life is beautiful, every step and every day.
You say I only pay the bills but I should may
be a rebel on the street
or a dancer who only trust in his own feet.

You say there’s more and know that it sounds obsolete at all.
But you don’t care and only piss against the wall.
You know the rules, the laws and all the promises
you say you know what they’re about, but it still is what it is.
They should bring us peace but what we get is just the hell.
It’s a crime on our generation started when one man rang the bell.

The words you say, the things you think are so different from mine.
I only see you standing there but it seems that you shine
like a giant star above in the dark night of my soul.
You are there and know how to play your role.
I’m jealous of you, the things you want to change, that you know how they should be.
I feel sorry that I can’t be you and that I have to be just me.
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