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Internationale Gedichte Sämtliche nicht-deutschsprachige Gedichte.

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Alt 17.07.2005, 15:04   #1
weiblich Lonelyocean
Benutzerbild von Lonelyocean
Dabei seit: 04/2005
Alter: 39
Beiträge: 32

Standard Sight in the nothing, into the eternal nothing!

Sight in the nothing, into the eternal nothing,

Cold overpowers my skin.
I am numb, I listen to your shouting no longer.
I only enjoy, at your breath,
and at your sounds, the hits,
with the hand, on the wood-ground.
I see your actions like in trance to,
my eyes are obscured with the tears,
and the pure numbness from my inside.
‘totters I, falls to ground. Smell your blood,
your injuries at you even, the fury in you, has brought you to this action,
your hand bleeds like a river of that in the nothing leads.
You scream, but I don't hear it,
because already almost awakens I is,
before fear, about you, your body,
but particularly your hand does me sorrow,
however you sense yourself no longer,
that now becomes so clearly clear me,
where I stand in front of the breakdown shortly,
because I have such a fear about you.
I yell at you, but you see me, as in trance at,
and injures you more and more,
all the more loudly I becomes,
with it dear I you so very much.
You don't really see as you destroy me,
if you do something similar, like in this moment, in our apartment.
Now, you sit after this attack, how a small child, since,
at this white wall leaned, and cries quite quietly, and trembles.
Looks at me, with very much, much numbness,
so according to the motto, it does me sorrow,
it does me damn sorry, please don't collapse, please!
However these screams, again, from your eyes,
all the strength steal me, and finally destroys my heart.
I sink awakens, I am away, and you scream again,
but this time not after love but this time after me,
because now you, all the more clear becomes,
all the long I no longer lives, that you have only demanded,
and I you everything gave, however you gave me nothing,
besides only verbal hits, with your body-language.

Written at the 10.07.05

please no copies do and no pressures with the PC!
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