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Gefühlte Momente und Emotionen Gedichte über Stimmungen und was euch innerlich bewegt.

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Alt 25.12.2011, 15:54   #1
männlich Writing Man
Dabei seit: 12/2011
Alter: 28
Beiträge: 8

Standard You're Gone..

I am looking around.
And you’re not here.
You are gone,
You haven’t won,
The exhausting fight,
Now all you see is the light,
It’s leading you,
And everything you do.
I hope you’re fine.
And one day you’ll be mine … again.
I’ll be your man,
And you’ll be my girl
We give a fuck of the world
Like we did in the past
And the last
Time I looked at you
I thought, dear god please do,
Everything worth to heal her!
But you didn’t heal her!
And so she died.
You’ll never be my guide.
I swear you won’t
Cause you don’t
Listen to me
I’m falling on my knees
To bring her back
But I’m just a pain in your neck, don’t I?
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