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Alt 23.03.2013, 03:17   #1
weiblich Niaanto
Benutzerbild von Niaanto
Dabei seit: 03/2013
Ort: Dortmund
Beiträge: 43

Standard Irrevocable Ending

Do you remember the time we’re together?
Since I’ve met you I never wanted to be with another man
But you couldn’t love yourself and
So you couldn’t love me, too
It is really weird
What love is able to do

Now you regret it like nothing else
But it’s too late for us
So don’t start dreaming
You have to wake up
By now you’re feelings aren’t
Completely gone
But there is a big lack of understanding
So you’d better go away

Could you stop feeling please, I’m sure you should do
I don’t want to look at you, if the pain is gonna kill you
You’re not the only one
Who passed up such an opportunity
Try to understand
That you shouldn’t long for me

And now you regret it like nothing else
But it’s too late for us
So don’t start dreaming
You have to wake up
By now you’re feelings aren’t
Completely gone
There is still a big lack of understanding
And I know - it's an irrevocable ending

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