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Internationale Gedichte Sämtliche nicht-deutschsprachige Gedichte.

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Alt 12.11.2007, 20:41   #1
Dabei seit: 11/2007
Beiträge: 12

Standard Misfit..

Ambling to my childhood pictures,think strong
Mistreated and picked on,greeted with fist swarms
Then soon the guilt begin leaving my bliss on

Nowadays I’m greatly appreciatin’ the loathing
You’ve made me feel,but this time I’m holdin’
This imaginary gift to lead my dreary life on nothin’

Since the moment I saw the light of day,I aware
Of being already dead..At times there were no one to care
Day by day the pain’s growin’ to an impenetrably snare

But what is this,dimness claspin’ my soul
Can’t turn back,trapped in the foretime to go…
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