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Alt 22.02.2021, 15:41   #1
weiblich Antoinette Fourie
Dabei seit: 02/2021
Ort: Zurich
Beiträge: 16

Standard Restoration

The earth will call the lonely to fall into her grace
Those who feel unwanted, the souls without a place
Do you hear accusing voices, in the darkest dark of night
Constantly broadcasting how you fail to get things right

The shadow of our expectations casts a wicked spell
Uncertainty now rule as King, so great the fear of hell
Trumpets wake us up at dawn, proclaiming signs of danger
No comfort from the soul next door cause he is still a stranger

Can you invite the pain to take it’s place now at your table
Unveiling long forgotten secrets, yes you’re MORE than able...
Surrender calms the spirit then when gratitude walks in
It’s been a while since they have met, now healing can begin!
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Lesezeichen für Restoration

restoration soul healing

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