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Internationale Gedichte Sämtliche nicht-deutschsprachige Gedichte.

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Alt 29.11.2020, 23:26   #1
weiblich Mirabelle
Dabei seit: 09/2019
Alter: 23
Beiträge: 3

Standard My hearts honest work

A good heart to be broken
Made of glass to be shared
Take a piece, it’ll be yours
Don’t give it back, I don’t want it no more

But you force it on me
Don’t you see it won’t fit any longer?
It’s on me to put the pieces back together
And I tried, believe me I tried

I let go of so many pieces
But I keep the core to myself
It’s my greatest treasure and my greatest weakness
Made of diamond and talc

It’s the seed to regrow broken parts
It’s the engine keeping my spirits going
But you force your piece on me
My heart will wrap its roots around it

Please don’t.
My core will seek to nourish its most outer parts
And die trying
Ripped apart, no control of my heart
Mirabelle ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten

Lesezeichen für My hearts honest work

allein sein, ausnutzen, selbstliebe

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