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Internationale Gedichte Sämtliche nicht-deutschsprachige Gedichte.

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Alt 15.10.2023, 22:04   #1
weiblich Matrix24
Dabei seit: 10/2023
Ort: München
Beiträge: 24

Standard Northman

He came from the North, so his words were few
His voice was strong, and his heart was true
I knew by this eyes, that no guile had he
So i prefered the man from the north country

Marco Giardi may be lesser grande
then this quiet man from beside Jämtland
And i know the sun shines softly down
On the river that runs trough my native town

But there is no and i say it with pride,
more interesting man in all area wide
And Meran town has no happier heart
then mine as i walk with the man from north

I guess in Merano they only knew
the kind, strange people i came unto
Small hate or scorn would there ever be
between my south and his northcountry?

Now he comes over the red blossomed heather
His bright eyes kissing the pure montain air
Heads errect, eyes to front, stepping proudly together
pure freedom sits throned on our high spirit there
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