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Internationale Gedichte Sämtliche nicht-deutschsprachige Gedichte.

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Alt 11.05.2010, 13:21   #1
weiblich soleiletoile
Dabei seit: 05/2010
Ort: paris
Alter: 33
Beiträge: 29

Standard Livepleasure

Love is dripping from my fingertips
and we are feeling the bliss.
It moves slowly circles on the water.
On the grass bloom clover.
While we sit on the stones,
the dolphins bounce.
It whispers quiet.
From the air we get our diet.
The disk of moon curls on the sky of night
and stars shine bright.
You give us the courage to dream
and open is beautiful been.
We spray for pleasure.
You shine, my treasure
into the desire
and break the weir.
soleiletoile ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten

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