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Alt 12.02.2022, 11:56   #1
weiblich resmagnifica
Benutzerbild von resmagnifica
Dabei seit: 02/2022
Ort: Wien
Beiträge: 7

Standard always remain cold ?!

„Always remain cold“
That thought is now old
I need a healing
I cannot stop feeling
What does that even mean?
I need my soul to be wiped clean
The belief in honesty - drained
The desire to be truly loved - maintained
Well, I have to pull myself together
and must turn rain into good weather

I will cry, heartbreakingly
I will weep and sob, bitterly
But I will also develop an intense awareness
Being completely conscious about the fact, that you are careless
And that you are, for sure, not worth
Any of my tears
I will overcome my fears
and will be returning
From the ashes as they are burning
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Lesezeichen für always remain cold ?!

love, pain, progress

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