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Alt 01.06.2015, 00:12   #1
männlich NuclearWinter
Benutzerbild von NuclearWinter
Dabei seit: 09/2012
Ort: Asgard
Alter: 32
Beiträge: 402

Standard As Madness Took Me

Wild dreams are shimmering in the darkness of reality,
and slowly they replace the monotony of time and space.
Hatred unveils true love as a dark insanity,
while my consciousness swims in a valley of mist and fog.
A universe beridden by a knight on his hog
true blackness surrounding his face.

The knight yells towards my inner self:
"My king, I shall guide thee to the land of the free,
where nothing is real but the winter of elf."
I follow his trail towards the castle of light,
his appearance is stronger than real and is full of might.
His name was madness and madness took me.
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