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Alt 01.04.2006, 19:23   #1
Don´t know
Dabei seit: 04/2006
Beiträge: 21

Standard Tired of living in the dark


I could spend my life like everyday,
But I don´t want to do it anymore,
Life is too boring, too stupid,
What shall I do instead of that?
Just hanging around, do nothing, relaxing?
And waiting for you?
Tell me where can I find you,
Tell me to whom do I belong

I´m so tired of living in the dark,
I just want to see the sun again,
I want to climb a mountain,
and reaching all my aims,
I´m tired of living in the dark,
I know I don´t belong to it

It seems like there is no light,
It seems so dark, I can´t believe.
I´m standing at the ground,
Staring above the sky,
But nowhere seems light,
Nowhere seems life

I´m so tired of living in the dark,
I just want to see the sun again,
I want to climb a mountain,
And reaching all my aims.
I´m tired of living in the dark,
I know I don´t belong to it
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