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Internationale Gedichte Sämtliche nicht-deutschsprachige Gedichte.

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Alt 26.08.2021, 17:12   #1
männlich FlashedMind
Benutzerbild von FlashedMind
Dabei seit: 08/2014
Alter: 26
Beiträge: 13

Standard No Title

Countless stars above us all
and in time they all will fall
leaving behind a trail of dust
shattering the planets trust
destroying even life itself
in time of chaos ask yourself:
What is the meaning of your wealth ?
Whats left behind after you are gone ?
Where is the money that made u strong ?
Where are the people that will mourn ?
Would you change anything if reborn ?

The time we have is irreplaceable
and our deeds sadly not erasable
thats why appreciate some more
something you never did before
cause living life is never easy
but thats no excuse to be that sleazy
take your time to understand
some rules, only you might bend
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