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Alt 11.08.2021, 09:01   #1
männlich Pattie
Dabei seit: 07/2012
Beiträge: 264

Standard The War

The War
The war stands up, he never seems to sleep,
stands up, down from the hollows deep.
In the twilight he came from a foreign land.
And the moon crushed in his cold black hand.

In the evening of the cities shadows fell,
where once humans lived the warriors dwell.
Where the markets mixed the traders rows,
You can hear the guns sound and nobody knows.

Through the streets he walks, switches off the light
and the colours of the world turn black from white
From the mountains to the valley down he climb
And he cries: Come warriors all, its our time.

©Karlheinz Lörner
Pattie ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten

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