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Internationale Gedichte Sämtliche nicht-deutschsprachige Gedichte.

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Alt 13.04.2007, 12:46   #1
Captain Trunk
Dabei seit: 03/2007
Beiträge: 39

Standard Dance...

I'm dancing on the edge of sanity
Not knowing where this path will lead to
Unsteadily drifting down a broken road
Missing exit after exit just to keep going.

My thrill in life is insecurity,
The thing that gets the best of me
And though I try to feel it often
I mustn't control it, for that would be
As dumb as trying not to soften.

I rush along my unknown path
to my final destination
And if I'm ever finding it
It will be my salvation.

(c) Captain Trunk 13.4.06
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