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Internationale Gedichte Sämtliche nicht-deutschsprachige Gedichte.

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Alt 23.02.2021, 02:06   #1
weiblich Antoinette Fourie
Dabei seit: 02/2021
Ort: Zurich
Beiträge: 16

Standard Stepping out of the madness

Urgent calls remind me that right now I can't be found
Messages unanswered, I reply without a sound
Unable now to understand my language they regret
All the things that's left undone and what they never said

Invisible to all and yet more colourful than ever
Black and white in hearts that like to say the big word "never"
Finally I found the door that leads to pure white light
Why do people think that where I live, there's only night

Run into the gentle arms of honesty and hope
Ancient intuition is what’s helping me to cope
Fear left unexpectedly as truth claimed her domain
Me, myself and I the only ones who knows I'm sain
Antoinette Fourie ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten

Lesezeichen für Stepping out of the madness

stepping out boundaries

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