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Alt 06.08.2012, 01:38   #1
weiblich Rebird
Dabei seit: 05/2011
Ort: wonderland
Alter: 41
Beiträge: 1.462

Standard hocas pocas

hocas pocas
reflect fortune
lern a bit about
Omissa, Omertà
the numbero U.N.O.
for(m[(a)(e)]l) reach
travel back times
call some spirits

Often the robobodys see crazy stuff
but the under narcotic loom is unsound
from gifts per some ill-matix fear
via in-sects... mao - be saved souls!

Hunt with the evil
be aware of the lord
illumine his tricks -
belief, tell in/to GOD
(right or wrong?)
that once numen
hit the road
for a evilhunt


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Alt 15.08.2012, 00:19   #2
männlich DerThalheim
Dabei seit: 07/2007
Ort: Graz
Alter: 37
Beiträge: 84

That is definitely kind of strange. Maybe a robot-Rebirth?
But to be honest, I don't quite get the sense. But that doesn't matter.

I have one not sense-related problem:
"but the under narcotic loom is unsound"
What do you mean with "the"? Even in the context that makes no sense to me - in spite of all the other cryptic stuff you implement.
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Alt 16.08.2012, 22:55   #3
weiblich Rebird
Dabei seit: 05/2011
Ort: wonderland
Alter: 41
Beiträge: 1.462

Maybe a robot-Rebirth?
hey u, DerThalheim
what ever kind of strange - it, once, were my Idee to telling something into the whole crazy and strange world maybeeee - some of the letters - grammatikle thing, won't beee sooo strange good as well, but - in view too view, they are, all about nothing, a human spirit - will put it on, as some meaning -would be meaned, clearance underneath the gear case, relating to ...
When hearts spoke about some stuffy things, without a necessity so plx don't be soo hard to my attempt to be closely, as well it was a terrible speech^^ the good will numbers or not?
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Alt 16.08.2012, 23:51   #4
männlich DerThalheim
Dabei seit: 07/2007
Ort: Graz
Alter: 37
Beiträge: 84

Haha, okay, what you are writing is interesting to read, for sure:-) Especially as it is raising some questions in me concerning the (non-)necessity of unflexible defintions of words!


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Alt 17.08.2012, 00:11   #5
weiblich Rebird
Dabei seit: 05/2011
Ort: wonderland
Alter: 41
Beiträge: 1.462

"interesting to read" - the whole request, the meaning of words...
Ich ganz persönlich wäre dafür, alles zu einer Sprache zurückzuführen, die, more interesting were - like some slawisch or cyrill, glagolisch... sooo zeichenstylisch, was dann eines guten Tages wieder jeder versteht, damit jeden, wenigstens einmal im Leben, dieses wichtige "for sure, interesting to read" packt...
What ever...
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Alt 17.08.2012, 00:21   #6
männlich DerThalheim
Dabei seit: 07/2007
Ort: Graz
Alter: 37
Beiträge: 84

Das hätte auf jeden Fall etwas. Ist ja eh immer interessant, wie man auch zu dritt einfach nur komische Laute machen kann und man sich dennoch gegenseitig versteht, natürlich auch wegen Gestik und Mimik. Und wie alle anderen gucken, hehe
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