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Internationale Gedichte Sämtliche nicht-deutschsprachige Gedichte.

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Alt 10.11.2009, 20:56   #1
weiblich Rollce
Benutzerbild von Rollce
Dabei seit: 11/2009
Ort: Bonn
Beiträge: 228

Standard Another year

Another year left me behind,
like guest who came and gone -
sitting on lonely beaches
where waves went on and on...

Hugged my arms around me
in a chilly autumn wind
and have seen another year
birds flying to the southern spring

My foot prints on this beaches
in a cold winter night
has been the only witness
waiting for a sign.
waiting for this energy,
which has reached me once
from a forgotten universe
please send a second chance.

There the wind is whispering,
go now - it is your turn
bring this love to whom needs most
youself can it than earn.

Goodby your lonely beaches,
thank you for letting me cry
and warmed my body with your sand
in this lonely learning time.
Rollce ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 13.01.2010, 21:08   #2
weiblich Rollce
Benutzerbild von Rollce
Dabei seit: 11/2009
Ort: Bonn
Beiträge: 228

Zitat von Rollce Beitrag anzeigen
Another year left me behind,
like guest who came and gone -
sitting on lonely beaches
where waves went on and on...

Hugged my arms around me
in a chilly autumn wind
and have seen another year
birds flying to the southern spring

My foot prints on this beaches
in a cold winter night
has been the only witness
waiting for a sign.
waiting for this energy,
which has reached me once
from a forgotten universe
please send a second chance.

There the wind is whispering,
go now - it is your turn
bring this love to whom needs most
youself can it than earn.

Goodby your lonely beaches,
thank you for letting me cry
and warmed my body with your sand
in this lonely learning time.
Rollce ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten

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